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Delivery Information


It usually takes about 15 - 20 working days to deliver the jacket to your doorstep in normal circumstances. For manufacturing the product takes to be ready in 4 to 6 working days and for delivery about 8 to 14 working days (depending on your location). Courier express services are used by us for delivery such as DHL, FedEx and SkyNet. Sometime postal services like USPS in USA and RoyalMail in UK are also used for readily able items.


We offer free shipping to USA, Canada, United Kingdom, UAE & Australia, USD 40.00 - 60.00 is applicable as shipping charges for South America, Russia & other European Countries. Shipping charges are applicable as per return and exchange policies.

IMPORT DUTIES AND TAXES: is not responsible for any import duties/taxes a buyer may experience. All the products bought are exclusive of all these charges. Buyer should check with their domestic customs if they are going to get charged for importing or buying our items. Custom policy are different in each part of the world, some countries impose taxes if an import is made of a high value item, therefore the responsibility of checking if they are going to be charged by the customs is up to the customers.